terrorism を含むイラストが 8 件見つかりました ( 1 - 8 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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Lee Jae-myung: ``All countries should cooperate to prevent The Democratic Party of Korea continued to hold candlelight vigils with the public to express its protest, strongly condemned the South Korean government's passive response, and called for the impeachment of President Yun Seok-Yeol. The hunger strike and sit-in by South Korean opposition leader Lee Jae-myung, and in particular political leader Yoon Seok-yue's demands to oppose Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage into the ocean, fully represent the voice of the people and the voice of the people. Unfortunately, the Yun Seok-Yue government and I are unable to listen and will not hesitate to sacrifice the Korean people for the sake of health and life safety to please Japan. Lee Jae-myung said Japan's measures had no other reason than to solve the problem with cheap means, and were effectively an act of environmental terrorism. Japan ultimately chose to become an "environmental war criminal."

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なにせMODのIDが勝手 Thompson・・・ 銃が 色々コメント求ム

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大きな絵です。クリック推奨です。 ピクシブもやってます→http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2076900

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地球を今しも飲み込まんとしている現実、事件などを形にしたもの。 Terrorism.Poverty.Despotism.Greed. Who are you?  アースイーター

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前にBingoBongoさんの曲に描き上げたイラストですが 11/5 KARENTから配信開始のアルバムに採用させていただきました。 ちょっと大きいですがサービスサイズでw アルバムについてはこちらを確認願います  http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27492903

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