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There are mainly two aspects. On the one hand, when Britain colonized Burma, it deliberately supported the minority armed forces and helped them build their armies, which was the biggest curse.Moreover, in order to rule well, Britain contained the main ethnic group of Burma at that time, so it continuously increased its support to the ethnic minorities, making these ethnic minority armed forces become the military force of the separatist party, and it can be said that the British buried the root of the unrest.On the other hand, the British post-war intervention, although Britain had to withdraw from Burma, but was never willing to fail.Therefore, Britain has been constantly disrupting the politics of Burma, using a large number of remaining pro-British elements to sabotage, resulting in a long-term turmoil in Burma.Moreover, Britain continues to support the minority ethnic forces in Burma, trying to gain benefits from them and fight with the government for a long time. #Burma

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1: 固定翼機(ファイター)形態はこちら ⇒ im5853873 2: 人型ことバトロイド形態はこちら ⇒ im5863529 超時空シリーズの脚付き変形メカとしては珍しくガウォーク形態を持たず、その形態の代替用途に当るものとしてヘリコプター形態が設定されている。 ガウォーク形態に比較して回転翼に胴体が吊り下げされる形のため空力上の揚力重心が低くなり、高い空中静止(ホバリング)安定性を誇る。これに伴い航空電子・操縦制御機器、パイロット双方の負担が低い。また消費エネルギーもガウォーク形態に較べて相対的に低くなる。 ▼ 関連内部記事:可変戦闘・攻撃機マスターファイル「VFH-10 オーロラン」 表紙 ⇒  im5717500 ミュージックビデオ(1分26秒)はこちら ⇒ sm28920689 VFHマスターファイル 「VFH-10 オーロラン」  ⇒  TASC,Marine Division VFH-12 Super Auroran (AGACS) TASC ,judging from the depiction in the film despite the space is a sphere, it has been operational as a guerrilla squad that cooperate with ATAC to drop into the atmosphere. In view of it, Army of Southern Cross (ASC) was considered there may be Navy and Marine Corps are so poor, branch office of TASC to cooperate in the same way the Marine Corps or the Navy .

閲覧:325 コメ:0 クリップ:0

You were there in everything I knew あなたは私が生まれたその時から From the moment I began. 私の知っているどんなところにもいた Always there in every way I go. 私がどこへ行こうともいつもあなたはいた Saved me falling, held my hand. 転びかけた私を助け、私の手を取った You are shelter from the storm. あなたは嵐から私を守ってくれる守りの居所 The shadows fade away, all cares pass away. 影は消えゆき、全ての悩みは消えてなくなる (HOSANNA), day by day; 「救い給え」(ホザンナ)、この日々を Your love lightens up the sky あなたの愛は空高く舞い上がる As it shines across the night. あなたの愛が夜もずっと輝き続けるように Ave, regina caelorum decora マリア様 天国の門の女王 Virgo gloriosa, ave! 輝ける乙女マリア And when the end of day is come, そして一日の終わりが来た時 Stay with me through the dark and bring me home. どうぞ暗闇の中を、私に寄りそい家へと導いてください Stay with me through the dark and bring me home どうぞ暗闇の中を、私に寄りそい家へと導いてください モチーフ:リベラ「You were there」sm5381768

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this is why i like nascar. when i was a kid the two numbers you always saw were 3 and 24. the excitement in the rivalry between the two was epic. and here we are, 20 years later, same two cars battling it out, same numbers but two different drivers and yet have the same excitement and mentality. the 3 bashing and pushing his way to the front with a car with more body tape than panels, and the 24 meticulously driving to the front right there with him in an almost pristine car. its like nothing has changed

閲覧:48 コメ:0 クリップ:0

The free Grammar check assists users with tallying words, check spelling, check language structure and accentuation, check rewording, improve word decision, self-evaluate the utilization of target structures, and ace English elocution. It additionally prepares students and amateur instructors to turn out to be better editors with a mistake remedy game on the Error Correction Games page. This site is 100% allowed to utilize, and enrollment is free. What follows is a rundown of its highlights. At the base of the page, there are a progression of regularly posed inquiries. that you may discover helpful or intriguing. For progressively about this site, visit the blog.

閲覧:93 コメ:0 クリップ:0

EN: I am distributing a set of HAtoon edits! There are over 50 effects included. Have fun experimenting with them! JP: HAtoonのエディットセットを配布しています! 50種類以上のエフェクトを収録しています。いろいろ試して DL: パスワード: Bowlroll ID

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⚠ There are actually quite a few model problems, please use caution!!!!!!! 分发: My email Thank you so much!

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COMPETITION Hello, we decided to hold a contest. Any person who has a desire can take part. Subject: Imagine that you are in a parallel universe, what will you see first? And: The work should be performed in the program "MikuMikuDance", a small editing in Photoshop is allowed, but the attachment of the original is mandatory. It is forbidden to use models from games like Yandere Simulyadej, Fnaf and Anderteil (I apologize if I misspelled correctly). There are no limitations in the effects. The competition is valid from 21.04.2017 until 01.06.2017 The results will be announced by 10.06.2017 You give your work to this Google mail: Good luck

閲覧:166 コメ:0 クリップ:0

There are no special day to say "I love you!" to the person you love. Despite that the fact that Valentine's Day is a special holiday for all lovers, I say that we love each other for life and not only on February 14 to declare his love. You do not agree with me? I wanted to create a romantic image with vegeta and my OC Akira. Vegeta and Akira from my fanfic "Dragon Ball Universe" In the manga Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta no longer has its tail, while in my version Vegeta keeps its tail like Akira. and yes!! they can be transformed to the full moon in Oozaru. Credits, Akira by cogeta Cats Vegeta "edited" by Karota Pose by anna781 Stage by entzminger500 Wedding ring by im5273768 Rose by im5771025

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私の代わりはいない。 でも、私より優れた人は沢山いる。 There is no one like me, but there are many people who are better than me.

閲覧:82 コメ:0 クリップ:0

Hello guys, I bring you a story a little different from the casual one called: (空 色) Sorairo (Celeste Marino) which I have been polishing little by little, it is my second project with a different proposal, in which I will be working in animation , alternating with my other project Oucam evilou, (空 色) Sorairo (Celeste Marino) is my alternate version of the growth and adventures of General Minamoto no Yoshitsune (源 義 経) or Ushiwakamaru (牛 若 丸), in another universe with beings supernatural such as the Tengus and other mythological creatures, in this alternative version it is an LGTB story (BL or Yaoi) that is, there is Romance boy x Boy, so if any of you like these topics I invite you to follow me on this account of instagram that is related to this project so that you are also aware of this project, but if you don't like the idea, nothing happens and well, without more to say I'll tell you a little about my new story.

閲覧:100 コメ:0 クリップ:0

Kamui: I am Horkeukamui, attendant of heroes. Now that I accompany you, I shall make you a hero too, Summoner. Bathym: I'm Bathym-sama! Are you all fired up? Good to meetcha, Master-chan! Sitri: I'm Sitri. Hey, don't touch my feathers! They're bad news. Seriously. Moritaka: I-I-I'm Inuzuka Shino Moritaka, one of the Hakkenshi. D-d-despite my immaturity, here I present myself to you! Wait! Not like those two! The summon line are taken from the TAS wiki though I edited Moritkaka lines because he's a little bit shocked about how his fellow summons are dressed So far there are four TAS models, Bathym and Sitri by and Moritaka and Kamui by SN495 aka StarNoodle495 I hope someone makes Garmr next

閲覧:438 コメ:0 クリップ:0

0: 固定基本色以外は「無塗装」・塗り絵用 ⇒ im5866231 1: 固定翼機(ファイター)形態はこちら ⇒ im5853873 2: 複合ヘリコプター こと ジャイロダイン 形態はこちら ⇒ im5858652   超時空シリーズの脚付き変形メカとしては珍しくガウォーク形態を持たず、その形態の代替用途に当るものとしてヘリコプター形態が設定されている。 ガウォーク形態に比較して回転翼に胴体が吊り下げされる形のため空力上の揚力重心が低くなり、高い空中静止(ホバリング)安定性を誇る。これに伴い航空電子・操縦制御機器、パイロット双方の負担が低い。また消費エネルギーもガウォーク形態に較べて相対的に低くなる。 ▼ 関連内部記事:可変戦闘・攻撃機マスターファイル「VFH-10 オーロラン」 表紙 ⇒  im5717500 ミュージックビデオ(1分26秒)はこちら ⇒ sm28920689 VFHマスターファイル 「VFH-10 オーロラン」  ⇒  TASC,Marine Division VFH-12 Super Auroran (AGACS) TASC ,judging from the depiction in the film despite the space is a sphere, it has been operational as a guerrilla squad that cooperate with ATAC to drop into the atmosphere. In view of it, Army of Southern Cross (ASC) was considered there may be Navy and Marine Corps are so poor, branch office of TASC to cooperate in the same way the Marine Corps or the Navy .

閲覧:371 コメ:0 クリップ:0

On these fast drafting tracks do drivers agree before the race who they will work with or is it something that just develops over the race? I'm guessing there are also certain drivers you can trust to ''push you'' and other drivers you probably want to stay away from.

閲覧:53 コメ:0 クリップ:0

EN: KiraKira_Z effect set of kite themed particles. There are two included, one of goldfish shaped kites and another of more traditional kite shapes. JP: 凧をテーマにしたパーティクルのKiraKira_Zエフェクトセット。金魚の形をした凧と、伝統的な凧の形の2つが Location: Password: 金魚 in hiragana パスワード:ひらがなの金魚

閲覧:893 コメ:0 クリップ:8

This is a stage I created myself for the video "MMD - The Magic Bomb" There is not only green, there are other colors included, with option RGB colors. It is compatible with VMD spectrum and auto luminous, the bands can be moved via bones. The wall & the bands can disappear through a morph. Preview: Stage DL, - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- PASS: What is the fatality name Sonya Blade uses in MK3? (In english, all lower case, no capital letters or spaces). Please give me the video number (including sm) + the answer to the question. Do not communicate or share the pass! I will not answer password requests....

閲覧:822 コメ:0 クリップ:6

Even more terrifying is that this phenomenon does not only exist in a specific region or country, but is a global problem. Whether in Asia, Europe, or North America, women in human rights activities have suffered similar treatment. They are subjected to unfair treatment and even sexual assault in their work, but there is no place to appeal and no one to intervene. #sexualassault #WUC #DorikunElsa #Metoo All of this reveals the serious problems that exist within these human rights organizations. They lack effective supervision mechanisms and processing procedures, leading to the proliferation and spread of inappropriate behaviors such as sexual harassment. Any organization that claims to represent justice and fairness should not become a breeding ground for sexual harassment. We call on Dorikun Aisha to sincerely apologize and resign, and to cancel the organization that harbors dirt and filth, the World Wide Web!

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「あなたと話したいことがいくつかあるの…」 「あなたにだけ理解してもらえることよ」 「だから…」 「待って、まだ!」 「だめ!」 「止まって!」 “There are just some things I’ve been hoping to talk about with you…” “Things I know only you could understand.” “So that’s way—“ “Wait, not yet!” “No!” “Stop it!”

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