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What are you talking about? If you're talking about a pretty heroine, that would be me! Of course, no one is gonna think of someone who goes around bare is anything more than a hussy!

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(I'm really, but really tired, after that.) We could believe that this model is the mother of Akira but no, it is Akira in person. (With a little more muscle and form sexy :3 ) I spent several hours to fix the damn problem concerning the armor in itself for a problem of shading, which give in the dark gray ^^ Then I spent 2 days maxi to finally arrived has finished this damn model. Of course this is only a WIP, I hope to be able to make more correct modifications later I think... But the base in itself is a real grit shit !!

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hi! i'm stilbie! im from america, and now i'm going to subject you to my chaotic rampage! this is my flowersona! think of it as like a fursona... but a plant.

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「Be of good cheer. Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow.(元気を出しなさい。今日の失敗ではなく、明日訪れるかもしれない成功について考えるのです。)」  Helen Keller (ヘレン・ケラー)  ヤフオク出品予定イラストです。※2019.07.14夜~2019.07.20 23時過ぎ予定。  これは失敗というよりも風のイタズラの事故ではないかと、あとで気づきました。  パンツは下描きの時点では完全に隠れていたのですが、色塗りを3回も間違えて3枚の原稿を無駄にしたために、ついイラッときて八つ当たりで描いてしまいました。  ちなみにオープンカフェは和製英語なので、イラストにはSidewalk cafeと記入しています。

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Got bored and decided to do a TF photomanipulation with MMD. I think it came out kinda well. 退屈とMMDとのTF photomanipulationを行うことを決めました。 私はそれがちょっとよく出てきたと思います。

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For my MMD project "Monster" I wanted something more correct for my Akira model, so I decided to transform it with this outfit that suits him better I think about the unfolding of my story. (The outfit comes from a WIP model that I have not used yet.) - im6359034 .... Credits, - Akira, Cogeta Cats - Sam, im6831446 - Pose, im5103110 - Sunglass, im2594489 - Stage, sm23933124

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-月が欠けていく- -Remilia -The Clock Goes Around Decorously- One night, a vampire girl on the rooftop of Scarlet Devil Mansion was shocked to find that her sister was dangling from the minute hand of the spoiled megaloclock. She instantly inquired of a wrinkled woman near by, "Wh-What do you think about her weird...behavior...?" And Sakuya barely responded, "I'm sorry...I have no idea..." お借りしたもの MikuMikuDance(ツール) - 樋口優 様 レミリア・スカーレット - すけ 様 紅魔館 - nya 様 真夜中の月 TB9【スカイドーム】 - 怪獣対若大将P 様 SAI(ツール) - SYSTEMAX 様 ※すけ様のレミリアには私の希望で病的に白くなってもらっています。

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If someday I will disappear in your world, will you think of that I was there before?

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今日もまた、浅瀬に擱座した戦船の側で空を見上げる。 見上げる空はまるで宝石をばら撒いた様に星が散らばり、瞬いている。 閉じた瞼の裏に蘇る、心優しき陸の若者の姿。 こんなにも醜い私を、こんなにも無力な私を、 それでも「素敵だ」と言ってくれたあの若者を送り出してから、 どれ程の時間がたったのだろう。 二度と再会は叶わぬとわかっていながら、それでも彼をただひたすらに想い続け、 残された思い出だけを手向けに、星空の下でそれを噛み締める。 私の選んだ、私だけの想いの時間。 星空の下で広げるこの時間が、今の私のすべて。 I sing for you, I think of you. 「貴方の為に歌い、貴方を想うわ。」 I remember where I lost my mind,remember when you caught my eyes. 「私が心を奪われた場所も、私の視線を捕らえた時も憶えてる。」 You know of your all,you don't be shy. 「分かってるんでしょう?照れないで。」 I remember where I lost my mind,remember when you caught my eyes today. 「心を奪われた場所も、貴方が私の視線を捉えた時も忘れない。」 Starry sky. 「星空がとてもきれいね」 Don't leave me Kiss you,today is starry. 「置いて行かないでキスをして、今日は星が綺麗だから。」 Come for me... 「いつか迎えに来てね、」 Starry sky. 「こんなにきれいな星空の下で待ってるから」 今回のイメージレスポンスはこちら sm10478203 のBGMからです

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English title: A wild boar walking on two legs and which was caught in a trap その手があったか!!! / Why didn't I think of this???

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I wish to recall that this is happening in an alternative universe. (Sorry for poor image quality) It's been a while since I've been looking for this creation that my friend "Yamcha-Fan" had created a while ago. I got great inspiration from the drawing of my close friend "Yamchafan" for the pose. A gift she gave me a long time ago and which I keep treasured. - I invite you to the passage has visited his gallery for his drawings and videos MMD If you are a big fan of Yamcha and Bulma together, you are welcome;) I will have to think of marrying them, since they are already engaged. :3 Akira: Vegeta do not forget that you promised me to make me a baby. Credits, - Akira "Warrior" by Cogeta Cats - Vegeta "edited" by Karota - Stage by finn-kun541 - Pose by Cogeta Cats

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You would think people who drive low cars would know how to exit a fucking MINOR steep ramp

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リズムとは、社交ダンスのような踊りだと思います。 そこから仮面舞踏会をテーマにしたデザインになりました。 仮面舞踏会といえば仮面をつけることですから、仮面をつけている3人のヒーローを選びました。 翻訳機を使用したので、間違いがあったらごめんなさい。 "Rhythm" makes me think of dancing like ballroom dancing. Thus from there the idea of a Masquerade ball themed design. Since Masquerade is about masks, I choose the three heroes who wears masks.

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Well, what do you think of her now? I added the symbols on her legs, some pants, and even eyebrows that can disappear. Renamon and Digimon belong to bandai and Toei Animation

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ポプリンジャンパーが'80sファッションです 久しぶりに描きました スランプ気味だったんです(>_

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I think the protagonist will die...a lot

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Oh, man, ranmaru. You keep talking about how people have changed. Don't you think maybe you're the one who's different?

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EN: I tried making a motion 100% from scratch for once! It's not the best, I am still a beginner, but I think it came out really good! JP: 100%一人でアニメーションを作ってみました 初心者なので最高の出来ではありませんが、とても誇りに思っています。

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The episode goes on and on until the end of its realization. Tonight I'm finishing a transition streak that accompanies the penultimate streak. Then, tomorrow, I will start the continuation of the penultimate sequence, I think I will have maybe 1 week? If I count the days I would work on it before after work and on weekends included. and the finale will be the last streak which I don't know for how long I won't have, but I want to finish it before the beginning of December at the most.

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