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なんか夏影が聞きたく この気持ちを人は何と 「迷ったわたしを助け お腹の辺りに手を当て 海外艦の浴衣を見ると みんな自分で英文読ん ↑サイモン&ガーファ Like a bridge

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かわいい 口数が足りないんじゃ あっそっかぁ…AI手書 おー 投コメにFixed eyebro こういう頑張ったAI絵 この目ってAIで出せる かわいい 03 The Magic Number おお〜ええや

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↑Stigちゃうて、提督 スティグ何してんのw ( `°д°´)、;'.・POWWWE 暁の下半身が見当たら ヽ(OwO)ノヽ(OwO)ノヽ(O いいクルマだ POWWWWWWWEEEEEEERRRR ↑フィイイイイイイイイイイイイイイォォォ HS

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i love this image !

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(*´ω`*) テト「僕だって出来る エフェクトが良い味出 かっこカワイイ!!!

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◆ミクオリジナル曲で使用した絵です。 ◆【sm17709139】よかったら聴いてやってくださいorz

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ぷちミクちゃん「ぱぱ?」 koala_pxs「ん?」 ぷちミクちゃん「love youパパ」 koala_pxs「thankyou puchi」 ぷちミクちゃん「Papa is puchi thing lover? 」 koala_pxs「yes! he likes -- he is my child ^^♪--」 ぷちミクちゃん「Be together all the time. ・・」 koala_pxs「It is all the time... It is together much. 」 koala_pxs「A mama and puchi and chibi・・・NEL ・・With everybody」 koala_pxs「今度家族でラーメン食べにいくか^^♪」 ぷちミクちゃん「にまぁ~~^^♪」 えっちゃん「何二人で話してるのよw家に帰るよー」 koala_pxs「あいー」 ぷちミクちゃん「にゃはは^^♪」 koala_pxs「今日は良くできました!英語」 ぷちミクちゃん「がんばってママに負けないダンス&歌手になるためです^^♪」 koala_pxs「がんばれー^^♪ぷちならなれる!」 ちびミク「それじゃ私はなれないってのかよー!パパの意地悪ー!」 ちびミク「表舞台に出たいだろー!それでもパパはプロデューサーかぁ!」 koala_pxs「今度ネタ考えて出してあげるから!」 ちびミク「キィィィィ!」 ネル「はいはい、出たいのは私も同じあんただけじゃないのよ!」 ちびミク「げ!ネル姉ぇ!」 ネル「なにが”げ!”よ!今度のジャクソンステージ、あんたの出番もあるのよ!」 ちびミク「ギャー!しぼられるぅぅぅ!」 ネル「逃げるなぁぁぁぁぁぁ!!」 ちびミク「ネル姉ぇのしごきはいやだああああ!」

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If your consciousness remains... Open it up,and ask for a line,darkness. I do not see a point... With the feather together......... . (和訳) 君の意識が残ってるなら… 切り開いて行こう、暗闇を。 先なんて、見えないけど… その羽で、一緒に………。 *2016年2月に描きました。 閉ざした心の内面を切り開くイメージで制作しました。

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Star Guardian Soraka Sparks of Shine Sunsets — Siriyakorn Phurikiat Cosplayer --------------------------- Star Guardian Soraka living the shine of the sunsets, Where she can abilities being magnificent magical of the natures from accused to against with the team tags, Involvement their fosters by the battling mate, Within the sparking across the bases and preventing together to encourage blown out by the minions deploying, She has an position follow cosmic protecting in blue bases and struggles over consequences the internal nature team tags deployments by hundreds of minions armies, She can fight against with stronghold enemies, During the team tag vanguard ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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アイマスタジオ 特別最終回 Together with you!! 2016/02/20(土) 開場:21:50 開演:22:00 lv251362380

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The year 2016 ends for many of us, while some soon feast the new year in family or with their loved one. (I am in France and I am French, it is not yet midnight to celebrate the new year, but 22:50) Vegeta and Akira spend their new year together as a couple, but before ca Vegeta has something at asked for his sweet akira ^^ for once, It’s been 2 years since Akira exists she was created by my friends Yukina Saturne And for Celebrated, I wanted to create a special pose for the couple Vegeta: my dear akira, do you want to marry me? —- Credits, - Akira by Yukina Saturne - Vegeta “edited” by Karota - Stage by o-deadsilvervirus-o - Pose by Cogeta Cats - Chocolat box by im3749379 - Cake by im6313106 - Flowers by itumonohon - Christmas tree by ketokeas

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Kemika Mikuo And The Twin Flandre Scarlet Suke Kemika Mikuo Flandre Scarlet Wings within the Twin Flandre Scarlet kind of couples all units whose to crystallized are armed to wings fused together with connection. けみか三国志 のフランドール・スカーレットの双子の中の翼フランドール・スカーレットは、結晶化するすべてのユニットを結びつけて融合した翼に武装させます。 ====================================== MMD CG Picture Skit / Created / Visual Effect Photograph: James Emirzian Waldementer Digital Artist Tools / 3D Art Designer James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2003,06,09,13,17 Copyright by Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. All rights reversed.

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また何にも分類できない、捨てるには惜しい絵ができてしまったwwwなお番外作品のくせに題名があって「together with movie stars: publicity poster of ministry of silly walks」JPG(768×768)→

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The red sphere groups Landfield among Landfield board to sideways balance in distant atmospheric reality spawning against of the rebels groups another pitched up, Living by the brownish balance logged tripped in another sphere amount resistance, When the red sphere groups handled over drive way moved direction and attack every each single pieces all of together. ==================================================== Red Sphere Landboard Atmospheric Balance --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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These are crewing are growing up by the two girls with snow float flakes in effects on blue screen by taken their together with groups of "Mansion Scarlet Sisters"

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