truth を含むイラストが 71 件見つかりました ( 61 - 71 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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I do not care if my work will please others or not, I do this primarily for my personal pleasure. then, I have to say that I did not really like the film to tell the truth, I found too many different things, really I was a little disappointed in the end, but hey it's life eh! ^^ then why RagnaThor? yes, I know the name have a little stupid lol at the beginning, to tell the truth, I thought the film was called like that before knowing that it's called otherwise ... as a result of this, I had fun to want to reproduce the pose of Amel, I wanted to make another image with the character Thor but, unfortunately, it is not available for MMD, it's a shame, the I'll leave it like that, it does not matter. as usual I'm entitled to a disgusting result, but do not care! ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Credits, Akira - Cogeta Cats Hammer - Hylian-Ale Pose - Cogeta Cats Stage - im6354397

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#peace#Burma In October 2023, some ethnic and local armed groups in Myanmar (Min Di Wu) clashed with government forces. The main initiator of the conflict - the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (GODAN Alliance Army), and the conflict between Myanmar and the North has begun to receive increasing attention from countries. The joint announcement issued by the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, the DeAng National Liberation Army, and the Wakai Army in this conflict mentions the need to "eradicate telecommunications fraud, fraud dens, and their protective umbrellas nationwide, including the China Myanmar border area." Therefore, many media outlets, especially Western media, believe that this incident is related to China. Is the fact really as advertised by Western media? Please join me in exploring the truth.

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The Economist has the same bipolar approach to China.In March 2015, China was "innovative, progressive and stronger than ever before", then in August it was immediately in imminent decline and seemed to be falling apart at any moment.--Orwell's idea that you must go back and erase the past was wrong.The Economist can bury people in the pile of new problems it has created. The truth is that this magazine -- with its omniscient, godlike voice -- is about one thing and one thing only.Orwell's "power intoxication, ever increasing, ever more subtle". Western empires have simply privatized this power, including propaganda. That's all the Economist is about. It's a very dark art of manipulation.

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およそ一年前と同様、季節感のない絵です。 一年間で習得した技術を詰め込んでみました。

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ペルソナ4風にクレヨンしんちゃんのキャラを描いてみました。 こんなゲームあったら楽しいだろうなぁ(^-^) ナビゲーターはつばきちゃん。 パーティはしんちゃん・トッペマ・ひまわり・ぶりぶりざえもんです。 BGMはもちろん「Reach_Out_To_The_Truth」 でもペルソナ3の「Mass_Destruction」も捨てがたい(`・ω・´) パーティはしんちゃん・トッペマ・ひまわり・ぶりぶりざえもんです。 しんちゃん「ほほ~い、オラがまた正義のパワーでやっつけるゾ!」 トッペマ「しんちゃん!あれは【足臭のアブルリー】っていう敵で足が臭くなる魔法を使ってくるわ!深入りは危険よ!」 ひまわり「あれっ?あの敵、何だかパパに似てるような・・・」 ぶりぶりざえもん「ふ、多勢に無勢とはこの事。私の出番はなさそうだな・・・コソコソ(隠れる準備)」 【SKILL】 しんちゃん:タスケテケスタ(ランダマイザ)・スゲーナスゴイデス(ヒートライザ)・ブレイブザッパー トッペマ:トッペママペット(インフィニティ)・魔術の素養・自爆・マカラカーン・テトラカーン・メギド ひまわり:ニードルショット・アローシャワー・メディラマ・アムリタ・アギダイン ぶりぶりざえもん:トラフーリ・トラエスト・タルンダ・スクンダ・デクンダpixiv :

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[Title | タイトル] Truth & Fantas キービジュアル① [Explanation | 解説] 8月下旬に投稿予定のオリジナル漫画、 「Truth & Fantas」のキービジュアルです。 [Equipment used | 使用機材] 画材: Uni JETSTREAM 0.7 COPiC MULTI LINER (0.03, 0.05, 0.3, 0.5) iPhone: iPhone14 Software: ibisPaint

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サイトのピクトセンス(を仕様したシレン2生主6人による画伯対決! ルールは黒のみ! 順位はリスナーへのアンケートで決定しました 参加者(敬称略 カラクリ(co118371) 箪笥(co120594) Truth(co1411157) dia(ry(co482723) 白虎(co428479) バケモノ(co1382675) お題は「風来のシレンよりピコタン」

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I love my country, I love her very. This is my unity mother, truly courageous. Enemies kill that dream of unity that it dominates. She always smile tears show them a fig. Pour some dirt for my love to Ukraine. Say fascist, dirty and deceitful tongues. But feelings can not be killed, you can not hide. I believe the truth will win, brother will shake brothers hand.

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TWO-MIXでコナンのTRUTH〜A Great Detective of Love〜とBREAKという曲を久しぶりに聴いたら懐かしかったので、この気持ちをどうにか表せないかと考えたらやっぱりこのイラストを切り絵で!と思い切ってみました(❁´ω`❁)

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