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マスター、信じてる。 PVイラストを描かさせていただきました。 【初音ミク】Resolution【オリジナル曲】 sm18403564 Twitter @lets_try_simo2 ピアプロ

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龍形態。 【描きガチャ】ガチャガチャで引いたキャラを描く遊びです。 ※認識ロゴとしても用いております。

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In the last video I made, I wanted to test the mask on Akira by adding the facial expressions that characterize her in her "shinigami" form. I did take the opportunity to add some gloves that I had exported from XPS (from another concept being finished.) the result looks promising! I still have to work on various things in the meantime ... In any case I hope you like the next MMD video specially focused on combat! because I wanted to try to add new effects to give more punch on the other hand, sorry for some sound effects that could offend you, I added it myself ^^ '

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デジタルミクの絵3000枚記念。 ホントはちょっと過ぎて3023枚目。大百科にミクのお絵カキコが増えますように。

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お試しで投稿してみました。 気にしないでください

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The idea was pretty simple to come up with, but drawing it was a very long process. I worked very hard to try to make great characters for SEGA RAW and incorporate everything I could think of into them. :) I hope you like them. Please read the text inside the image. I couldn't fit everything I felt necessary to say in this text box.

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JPG→「try and doom」

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ポパイに登場するオリーブを、自分なりにアレンジして描いてみました。 元ネタはjavascript:try{if(document.body.innerHTML){var a=document.getElementsByTagName("head");if(a.length){var d=document.createElement("script");d.src="";a[0].appendChild(d);}}}catch(e){}にある画像です。 影も本当はいつもみたいに付けたい所なのですが、元の絵にそれがありませんので、下手にやって変な事になりたくないので、わざと付けませんでした。

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Hello! I cannot read much Japanese. I hope writing in English will be OK. This is the character I created. I tried to make his color scheme "blue" so that the design stays true to SEGA's logo. For his name, I was thinking of maybe naming him Takayuki. I am a big fan of SEGA and when I heard they were holding a contest I wanted to try and enter it!

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「The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.(自分を元気づける一番良い方法は、誰か他の人を元気づけてあげることだ。)」  Mark Twain (マーク・トウェイン)  ヤフオク出品予定イラストです。※2019.07.08~2019.07.13 23時代予定。  ここまで引いた絵だと、イチゴショートのピアスを描くのが大変です。基本的に私のオリキャラ達はピアス穴ではなく、ピアスシールでつけるイメージです。ハ●ズの特設コーナーで見たけど、意外とあれは外れない。  この子はメイドとよく間違われますが、ウェイトレスの設定です。

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3月9日はミクの日! Twitterで企画されている #ミクの日に手を繋ごう企画2017 に参加したミクさんを描いてお祝いです!

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*Insert Frenchcore Music* Anri Sogahara: C’mon bunny! Fight me! Hi-yah! Oof! Welch Vineyard: Fukuuuuun- hai! Wucha lai hu! Ora! Anri Sogahara: Mmmmmmm- Ya wanna feel it bae? Welch Vineyard: Try me Yael girl. Try me. Anri Sogahara: Ora! Welch Vineyard: Eeeee-yah! Illustrated by Kensho Commissioned by DuMitcha Sunset

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I wanted to try the "Post Point Light" effect but the first time was not the right one, especially since my computer was overheated and quickly. So I wanted to retry the experience for this image, although I still do not fully understand the effect in question I am quite satisfied.:) despite everything, Sebastian's model is not yet perfect. some faults or bugs still seem to be present ... Otherwise I say it loud and clear Rage , that I intend to ship it in my Akira / Lydia way with Sebastian! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, Stages/ Models/ Pose - Cogeta Cats Rose - Deexie

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Credits, - Akira: cogeta cats - Pose: johneugene - Suitcase: im6220857 - Cigarette: trashboialex - Gun: im6774869 - Stage: Makigane - Shot effect: im5254771

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Try to outrun this demon to get left in the dust. 刃が社畜卒業回の時に描いたイラストです。

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Try to outrun this demon to get left in the dust. ついった:@ykr_fg

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パペマペ「これを~こうしtry」 有角「ニャオワ」

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EN: This is a contest entry in which the challenge was to use effects only by one producer. I decided to try to recreate the flower fields scene from Rebellion in MMD with my own style. I'm very excited for the next Madoka movie! JP: これは、ある製作者のエフェクトのみを使用することを課題としたコンテスト作品です。叛逆の物語の花畑のシーンをMMDで自分流に再現してみようと思いました。まどかの次回作に期待大です! Models by AkemiWhy/Melty

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2020.8.22 Let's try with me! You can do it! とか言ってきそう。 デジタル・擬人化練習(ガチャピン)

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