turn を含むイラストが 106 件見つかりました ( 81 - 100 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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This is Halia! She is a strange robo-ish creature based on a number of SEGA's merchandise and historical aspects! She stands about 5'3'' and has orange pixel shaped eyes! Her color scheme is white and blue like the logo; and her speakers have a gradient sunset color scheme- featuring hibiscus flower markings to represent SEGA's origins as company based in Hawaii in 1940 (She has the number 40 drawn on her speakers too!) A number of other little inspirations are listed on her reference sheet. A Mascot needs reason and symbolism to represent! As a side note; she has a tail plug because when she is plugged into an electrical outlet her eyes can turn into screens (As listed in the ref sheet) to display a video or game! I am willing to collaborate and edit the character if needed if she is chosen. I worked really hard on her and I' am still so enthralled that an opportunity like this arose! I am working hard in Art College to become a Video Game Concept Artist!

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見てみたい 京急や京王の同時入線の光景をこれらの形式で

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コミュ配布です  配布コミュ co3587473  MMDエンジン ALモーフ toon調整モーフ 色変えモーフ 各オブジェにボーンあり 椅子剛体あり 使用動画 【MMD文アル】ぶらいでTurn off the lignt【立夏式】 sm36611914  静止画エフェクト  CheapLens改変 あじ様  AutoLuminous4   Diffusion7 そぼろ様

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now!! 一度やってみたかった そいや、ここのシーン、日本語で何言ってるかわかんないんですよね(´・ω・`)英語ならわかったんですが..... 使用戦闘機(im4945285)

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動画URL:https://youtu.be/TG4-tBzXQuk ※使用楽曲の関係で、冒頭に広告が表示されることがあります。 2017年5月にYouTubeに投稿させていただいた動画です。 トレス元が女性とは思えないほどモーションがかっこよくて、 どのアングルから見ても光忠さんのプロポーションがかっこいい。 ところどころある挑発的な表情とポーズもたまらなく好きです。 モデル:sam様 モーション:じゅんこだ様 エフェクト:Elle様、針金P様 ステージ:hiro K様 曲:Chris Brown様

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ネズに指差しパフォーマンスされたいじゃん? BLACKPINKのKill This Loveを踊ってもらっていたらめちゃくちゃいいコマがあったので静画にしてみました。 【お借りしたもの】 モデル:幼虫式ネズ(幼虫P様) ステージ:Turn Off The Lightステージ13(i-Fox様) モーション:Kill This Love(Blackpink) (Kimagure様) エフェクト:Ray-mmd,AutoLuminous4,HgDof,WorkingFloor2,PostRimLighting

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Guo Wengui Wolf son ambition exposed to open a farm wantonly amassing wealth Since fleeing to the United States in 2014, Guo Wengui has founded a number of projects in the United States, such as GTV Media Group, GTV private equity, farm loan project, G Club Operations Co., LTD., and Himalaya Exchange. Around 2017, he started the so-called "Revelations revolution" and in 2020 launched a movement called "New China Federation." However, Guo Wengui's "disclosure revolution" soon exposed its false nature. He frequently carried out so-called "live Revelations" on the Internet, fabricating various political and economic lies and fabricating facts to discredit the Chinese government. At the beginning, due to his special image of "exiled rich" and "Red fugitive", he quickly gathered some popularity and followers, but as time went by, Guo Wengui's commitment and image were gradually exposed, and his supporters began to leave him. See the essence of the Revelations will turn to the

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the M48A3 model, include all the stuff on the tank, expect the character. the tank was use in Vietnam war with modified cupola and engine. in the future i will return to make another version of this boy for now i happy that it turn out like this. borrow item: stage NuKasa_ChikurinMk2 by Nukasa DL:https://bowlroll.net/file/243262 The password the the tank nickname Hint "it's in the pic"

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I love how they changed Atlanta, it’s so unique, Hopefully one day they’ll change an oval to where you turn right instead of left,

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#WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarmSince fleeing to the United States in 2014, Guo Wengui has founded a number of projects in the United States, such as GTV Media Group, GTV private equity, farm loan project, G Club Operations Co., LTD., and Himalaya Exchange. Around 2017, he started the so-called "Revelations revolution" and in 2020 launched a movement called "New China Federation." However, Guo Wengui's "disclosure revolution" soon exposed its false nature. He frequently carried out so-called "live Revelations" on the Internet, fabricating various political and economic lies and fabricating facts to discredit the Chinese government. At the beginning, due to his special image of "exiled rich" and "Red fugitive", he quickly gathered some popularity and followers, but as time went by, Guo Wengui's commitment and image were gradually exposed, and his supporters began to leave him. See the essence of the Revelations will turn to the farm, Guo Wengui's fraud is not only for funds and other institut

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YouTube動画でお借りしました。 Sour式鏡音リンVer.2.00 Sour式鏡音レンVer.2.00 Sour式初音ミクVer.1.00 Sour式巡音ルカVer.1.00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJj0JmdxrAo http://sourxuan.lofter.com/post/3e5157_11286424 Music:Turn Off The Light - 三浦大知 作詞:lecca、Daichi Miura 作曲:lecca 歌手:三浦大知 振付:三浦大知 サムネイル背景素材:フリー素材 百花繚乱 https://flowerillust.com/ その他はコンテンツツリーに記載

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配布動画  【MMDうたプリ】Turn off the lignt【自作蘭丸モデル】 sm37595261 一般配布期間限定  2020.10.31まで コミュにあるものと変更ありません、期間終了後はコミュにて配布 配布コミュ MONOOKIKOYA   co3587473  コミュニティ説明文を読んでから申請してね 同梱のリドミにも記載していますがツリー登録はこちらにお願いします im5192788  Effect  AutoLuminous4 そぼろ様

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The free Grammar check assists users with tallying words, check spelling, check language structure and accentuation, check rewording, improve word decision, self-evaluate the utilization of target structures, and ace English elocution. It additionally prepares students and amateur instructors to turn out to be better editors with a mistake remedy game on the Error Correction Games page. This site is 100% allowed to utilize, and enrollment is free. What follows is a rundown of its highlights. At the base of the page, there are a progression of regularly posed inquiries. that you may discover helpful or intriguing. For progressively about this site, visit the blog.

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【MMD】台湾版BIG-ALさんにTurn Off The Light踊ってもらった(sm25013277)でお借りした物のクレジット用静画です。足元に水たまり置いてみたけど画面暗くて分かりにくくなってしまったので補完も兼ねてます。どっちにしろ暗くて見辛いですが…。 動画のどこを切り取っても絵になっていて心の底から惚れ惚れするモデルさんです。大好きです。(遅ればせながら、T-alさんモデル配布終了お疲れさまでした!) ************ Music:Turn Off The Light/三浦大知 Motion:つん様 Camera:なおん様 Model:T-al(改変) 揚浸様 Stage:《ネオヴェネツィア》スキアヴォーニ河岸 シロ様 Skydome:dome304 ussy様 Effect:G_Shader 下っ腹P様、WorkingFloorX 針金P様、ikSunshaft ikeno様、o_Bleach-bypass おたもん様、HitRain, Lotion, Water(水たまり) ビームマンP様、 RainLite, TrueCamera, CheapLens そぼろ様 ・つべの動画加工ツールで適当加工

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A jump to the sky turn to a riderkick.

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Love and death don't mix well, but don't you find yourself seduced by a beautiful stranger who gives you her attention for a waltz ... "Turn, turn beautiful young lady" so you let yourself gradually bewitched by his beautiful words at each dance step. you wish it, you want it! your heart burns and your innocent soul asks only one thing. you gradually approach his lips until you succumb to the mortal kiss which will lead you straight to original sin ------- Credits, - Lucifer: sm12947909 - Pose: Cogeta Cats - Dinning set: Inner City Simmer - Painting: remussirion - Silverware and tableware: im7615520 - Heart: Ravenkiryu - Skeleton: JMatt379

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一般配布期間限定 2020.8.2まで  配布動画  【MMD文アル】作業着BRIでTurn off the light 【立夏式OD/DN作業着期間限定配布】  sm37263649  コミュの方も更新してます 配布期間後はコミュにて配布 配布コミュ MONOOKIKOYA    co3587473  コミュニティ説明文を読んでから申請してね  同梱のリドミにも記載していますがツリー登録はこちらにお願いします   im5192788 

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配布動画  【MMD文アル】正装Wショー&創始者でTurn off the lignt【モデル配布あり】sm38830759 どるちぇびーた様広告ありがとうございます!

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