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This was the image longer until now. It took me two days between making the image and edit it on photoshop. Effect AutoLuminous HgSSAO HgSAO SoftLightHLShader+ Accessorie Crystal bowlroll.net/file/62913 Sofa: bowlroll.net/file/54187 Model No link by Miky-Rei Texture fav.me/d4kq9o4 by xnienke fav.me/d5crd03 by Ainhel Texture of Alice-Hato Photoshop ShootingStarBlue © xnienke © Ainhel © Miky-Rei © 銀獅 © Alice-Hato © TDA © All right reserved. Do not redistribute, claim, copy, edit or use it in any way. Thank you.

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Their has street is walking on the bright city is figured those are appearance in the distant that pilot ship fighter who would visited that entered with the "Sky Area Of The MMD Universe" seems to be have 20th years ago of Darius and Metal Black

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I your present Zukki, my new (OC) 17 years. Saiyan of elite of royal blood. Born on the planet Vegeta. She loves above all fight, train, and to face opponents more powerful than her. She hates weakness Zukki is the daughter of Vegeta and Akira, From my fanfic Dragon Ball Universe.

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初音ミクを用いたボーカロイド楽曲「nano∞universe」と iOS/Android用無料音楽ゲーム「ビート&マジシャンズ」の為に描かせて頂いたイラストです。 かにみそPさんとコラボさせて頂いたPVはこちらから↓ ニコニコ版 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24541694 youtubeアレンジ版 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXZ0Xb41KCg PVの最後にあるプレゼントワードをゲームで入力すると、 イラストのキャラクタがゲームで使えるそうです。 よろしくお願いします!

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https://nico.ms/sm38225506 UNiVERSE 作詞作曲:森田交一 星降る夜空に 月が優しく照らす夜の帳 時の交差点 巡り会いの奇跡に触れた 時として人は皆 立ち向かうべきことに 少し挫けそうになりながら 支え合う ありがとう 今 この苦しみ解き放てたのは あなたが側にいたから 今 UNiVERSE いつも宇宙(そら)はあなたと私の世界 消えそうな意識 まるで花霞に溶け込むように 本当に大切なものは すぐ手の届くところ いつの日かこの時代 振り返る未来が 輝きに満ち溢れてるような生き方を さよなら ただ あなたの記憶の片隅に残して 生きられるなら 永遠の魂を 今 UNiVERSE 星の欠片が瞬く間まで ありがとう 今 この苦しみ解き放てたのは あなたが側にいたから I can't live without you 今 UNiVERSE 本当は怖くて寂しさに震えてる 背中に生えた翼が未来へと誘って全て消し去る 永遠の魂を 今 UNiVERSE いつも宇宙(そら)はあなたと私の世界 全ての愛する日々と人々に感謝を

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Credits, Azuki - Cogeta Cats Goku - Karota Stage - kaahgomedl Pose, - XMikuXx - MikuTatsune25v fanfic "Dragon Ball Universe" by Cogeta Cats

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Chariot (チャリオット) is the 4th Members of Black Rock Shooter Team, that her appearance in Black Rock Shooter The Recalibur, The series came universe of Recalibur that based upon from the japanese TV series ====================================== Character Motion, Pose / Camera Motion / Lighting Render: James Emirzian Waldementer Visual Effect Photography / Photoshop Artist James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== All written, picture, graphic, logo and other data contained here are (c) 2006,08,10,11,17 Argonaut Niuxlius Entertainment, PLC. TM & (c) 2006,08,10,11,17 Copyright by Argonaut Niuxlius Entertainment, PLC. All rights reversed.

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Dragon Ball Universe. Saga: Majin (alternative universe) to change a few of my other work lol I must resume the old model of Akira (on the image) for the improved and updated, soon. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Akira: Cogeta Cats - Trunks: Karota (edited model) - Landspeeder: tf3dm (convertie by me for MMD) - Sword: Cogeta cats - Stage: kelorin jo BTA

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An indie action-arcade shooter of PC Windows we’re upcoming on Our Internet Wargame Universe Of Within The Beast is production art design began about this months.

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宇宙一の漫画家・松本零士先生が2月13日に、85歳でご逝去されました。謹んで、哀悼の意を表します。 これからも松本零士先生が生み出した数々の作品を未来に語り継いで頂きたい。 これが、松本零士先生が残したと思われる最後のメッセージです。 キミ達は宇宙一素晴らしい。 You guys are the best in the universe.

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To change a bit of the dance videos, sing or other, I put online this video a little special :) A special video "fight" between Akira (my OC) and Bardock of Dragon Ball Z. In my fanfic "Dragon Ball Universe", Bardock is considered a traitor by the Saiyan people. (Why a traitor? I think I will explain this later with a video or an image with a small summary about this part of my fanfic) If not we go back to our subject ... In my version of the story, Bardock and Akira are enemies and I think you would notice it later in my next MMD videos... (although I love the character Bardock, it is sexy, manly, powerful, masculine, in award a real saiyan! ! ^^ ') I even have to confess, it's my favorite character. :3 Followed by Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, Vegeta 4 from GT and many others ... Link Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl4yY54X3mc All credits are posted in the description.

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Because I wanted to change a little for my OC Akira of Dragon Ball Universe, not because his outfit was bad but I find it a little too insuitable to my tastes (personally) I prefer it when she wears trousers with a provocative style to her, because besides being a Saiyan who likes the fight, she likes above all the risk and and that's what I find exciting! Good for the picture with the lollipop it's worth a little look lol I noticed a few flaws on my new model :( but I'll try to fix it later. If not for the pose it is an idea that I had a few hours ago ^^ Credit, Akira - Cogeta Cats Mustang (Converted by me to MMD) Decan Andersen lollipop by Anastasia Alicia stage by hiro K pose by me MME effect, - A-screen - hg SAO - hg SSAO - HG Diffusion - Power DOF - Post movie - Vignette - Procolor

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JPG→https://twitter.com/celsius220/status/1249761466527264768「unload the universe」

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An young boy entering the Black Rock Shooter World otherwise known as ‘Otherworld’ in this somewhere of universe outdoors. Therefore of the fortunate explore boy, Exploring Sky Gates by the scrolling deserting stone in which he find the remembered as an Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master. Note: It took about few more hours and few days ago. ==================================================== Kemika Mikuo Entering The Black Rock Shooter World --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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James-Taylor Valiant Character Details Headcanons — Full Color Design Shane --------------------------- An main central characters headcanon detailing in the web-media universe phrase parallels from scratch live-action character figures visualizations concept of the digitized characters scan photographer intersection was originally roles with the main protagonist as an live-action, Eventually it setting out moved into full digital/traditional art and animation leading creates indie virtual actor appears to be Internet and Social Media platforms, which was almost 4 years after making his main central characters projected going afterward to Who Framed Miku. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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and the Masters of the Universe

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Master of Epic The Resonance Age Universe の Emerald サーバーで シスの天空島のとあるお家を管理しているハウスキーパーの コグニート姉さんの現在スキル構成ですの~!

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