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画質がやや悪い場合は申し訳ありませんが (^-^') 英語のテキスト Here is a second version of Akira, for my video project "Dragon Ball Universe" I searched for a long time, the perfect outfit for the sequence of martial art tournaments. but I have finally found !! the first version was with the Saiyan armor (in progress) im5849258 but she needs of another outfit for the tournament credits, Body - TDA and agahat, HarukaSakurai Outfit (edited by me) - TDA and agahat, HarukaSakurai tourniquet - ChildishWar hair - mmdfakewings18 earrings - Angelica-Lime pose - Lumialle stage - arisumatio the model to a tail like the saiyans (because she is saiyan) with bones for articulate. I think add a biography on my character. with a short description, history and other ...

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PS4のゲーム「DreamsUniverse」の中に再現してみたゲシュペンストです~ ポーズは昔のスパロボ風のつもりで; 製作動画:sm37655634

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My second artist was adaptation anime art designer from real-life photograph young girls/woman whom I’ve created about few hours to sections in Who Framed Miku Web-Media Universe. I’ve been around to looking for the imagery being VOCALOID anime art style detailed to Who Framed Miku. ==================================================== Miku-Chan Waving Up To Monitor In Online --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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映画『グリッドマン ユニバース』が最高過ぎるので好きなキャラ描いた!何回観ても面白い映画! 「それかっこいいね!」のそれに乗ってる2人です。六花ちゃんもちせちゃんも大活躍だし可愛過ぎた。

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Shattered GlassのTFがキャラクターのデザイン元になっているということで組み合わせた絵です。

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In the matrix reality entities of Spiderverse from the paradox portal universe, An Japanese high-school girl students with scientific spiders were made for the robotic figures in New York City, When the individuals came and encountering that super heroines of introduces herself came from the Spiderverse paradox period time dimensions, She’s greets to the Vailant Brothers groups are welcomed on landed of Matrix Reality, And joint allies with accused alongside robotic go with it. ====================================== [Crew] Digital Artist Sketches James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2006,09,15,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

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Brace Yourself..when Suzaku is the Great one and Epic king & rest our Team in the response did unknown for finding mission and protect to0 bring a Time Princess from a False Universe kindly be came who destructible in mistake by each other individuals.. 全体使命の準備をしようとすると、新たな冒険と真実に移動したがフロンティアに奨励再浮上する必要がありますされている。 ----------- 使用モデル: 時報ちゃん (ISAO)、枢木スザク(私服)by w_k_c、萩原雪歩-アイマス2vi衣装 、金剛 (艦これMMD)、ツバサ・イジュウン~Tsubasa Iljuuin made by Me & Farhan43 (Tsubashark94)、スカウト - Scout (Team Fortress 2) by VALVE MikuMikuDance V799、Shader Hyper ;

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素敵なマシンをお借りしたので~稚拙ながら一枚^^;  (天使が車に乗る必要性があるかは不明) MODEL・STAGE ・Ferrari_Dino_246GT im4212720(黄・青・赤・白アリ) 86500様 ・ミカエル sm12947909 ペニシス(細かすぎP)様 ・Neo_UK_City(Night_Stage) im4020895 シロ様 ・スカイドーム Universe sm13566957 こぐま様 MME ・SSAO mqdl様 ・HgSSAO 針金P様 ・KiraKira/Full_and_Metall_Glass ビームマンP様 ・Diffusion7/AutoLuminous4 そぼろ様 ・AutoMetallic 柄杓様  ~MME使い方がど下手過ぎですいませんm(__)m~

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Credits, Azuki - Cogeta Cats Goku - Karota Stage - kaahgomedl Pose, - XMikuXx - MikuTatsune25v fanfic "Dragon Ball Universe" by Cogeta Cats

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放送で絵使ってくれてる方が歌ってみたあげると聞いたので(`・ω・´) 動画編集とか出来ないからあまり意味は無いのですがね…悲しみ。 【原曲:sm23712300】【きょうhey!:co1243470】

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Taking a Journey from the reality of anime with masterfully programming are born from the Tokyo, Japan. Who was an "Kemika Miku" is more then detailer and does it Real-life and Virtual-life into Visualization from MMD Universe reality. It was pushed real-time sequences by their groups of "Kemika-Nova Vocaloid Project" some assumed with their spawning of world of Mankind and Anime lived together, As an James Taylor was an Photograph location tour somewhere at Worldwide it is own way his jobs. It is about to you view with Framed Miku these having the many picture skits for Visual Effect Photography to new generation in American-Thai/Japanese CG anime animation style of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Over Through the Internet! It is about masterpiece based on the live-action and animation film titled of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Creating movie about 30 years before the created of Live-action and CG anime animation / CG anime photography are New Genre of: MMD CG Picture Skit.

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James-Taylor Valiant Character Details Headcanons — Color Patterns --------------------------- An main central characters headcanon detailing in the web-media universe phrase parallels from scratch live-action character figures visualizations concept of the digitized characters scan photographer intersection was originally roles with the main protagonist as an live-action, Eventually it setting out moved into full digital/traditional art and animation leading creates indie virtual actor appears to be Internet and Social Media platforms, which was almost 4 years after making his main central characters projected going afterward to Who Framed Miku. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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超久々に音ゲー曲ジャケ絵再現やってみました 今回は「DEEMO」という独特の雰囲気と美しいピアノの音色が特徴の スマートフォン用音楽ゲームの楽曲です DEEMOもっと流行れ! 元ネタ、是非一回聞いてみて下され!→sm22564420 ビッグベン丸時計_ver1.00(円グラフ) Tda式改変ハク・アペンドccv_bc1.02(山本・Tda・coa) M16系(ミリタリーP) L96 Ver1.01(そうろうP)

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