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Just a simple mod of DropShadow by BeamMan. I thought it'd be fun to make some technology themed DropShadow effects and I like how it came out! They can be found here: https://bowlroll.net/file/251669 model by RemMaple

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This is a picture I made for Chestnutscoop's MME contest on DeviantArt. I was very proud of it, so I decided to post it here too. More information and credits can be found on the DA post: https://www.deviantart.com/mmd-kyu/art/MME-Contest-You-Can-t-Hide-From-Me-875559043

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なによりも自衛の概念 ↑4 日本と違って土地 アンって本名だったら 本人に聞いたら普通に 一般人でも陽キャは顔 向こうの人は一般人で MajorMilkもそうだけ ツイッターIDが

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2↑本人にとっては全然 ↑↑↑通報すんぞ クッソ上手いのに消す 私は小さい頃から自然 今後全消し逃亡した絵 甘い。静画のタイトル 嫉妬マンコかな? いなみ栄知マリネとい こ

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N(長門)-WGIX/vって 故郷を守る戦士を元に 「戦いは良い。私には 待ってろよ長門この悪 退避しろ、命令だ!…… ↑ついでに首輪付き呼 誰でもいいからアナト

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えっちゃんかわいいね えっちゃん真っ平らや I want to go to the

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You need glasses XD This is Frieza and A huh ?! this is not P Super Perfect cell&

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Day after dayは良い ワンドロ

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Who are you, and wha Your passion I will In apparent moment y

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Thank you :D !!! ↑Of course I know th This painting looks i wanna watch this f こえー!

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ええねん ウルフルズ 背くらべ 渡辺かおり エーコのテーマ 植松伸夫 フレンズ レベッカ アニー ズーカラデル シュガーソングとビターステップ ユニゾンスクエアガーデン さあ冒険だ 和田アキ子 グリーンライツセレナーデ Omoi 君は天然色 大滝詠一 マイ・ハート・ウィル・ゴー・オン セリーヌ・ディオン ハッピーアイスクリーム 筋肉少女帯 硝子坂 高田みづえ 青春の馬 日向坂46 I Was Born To Love You Queen Free yourself IRabBits MEN OF DESTINY MIO Anything Goes! 大黒摩季 home 木山裕策 Take It Easy Eagles Kernkraft400 Zombie Nation 情熱 A Go-Go ウルフルズ うっせぇわ Ado スタートライン Novelbright 明日、春が来たら 松たか子 やさしさに包まれたなら 松任谷由実 恋するフォーチュンクッキー AKB48 野に咲く花のように ダ・カーポ Ainsi Bas La Vida Indila エジソン 水曜のカンパネラ HEART 東京ゲゲゲイ 夜もすがら君想ふ TOKOTOKO NOT FOUND Mr.Children 銀の龍の背に乗って 中島みゆき タピオの夜に キャプテン・ソプラノ Baila Conmigo Dayvi x Víctor Cárdenas x Kelly Ruiz アリア BUMP OF CHIKEN POISON 布袋寅泰 I'm the One DJキャレド 青のり ブリーフ&トランクス さんぽ 井上あずみ エイトメロディーズ MOTHER 消えぬ悲しみ 植松伸夫 - 今月もリクエストありがとうございました! ※6月のリクエスト枠は6月8日(水)21時からとなります。

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As bad news never comes alone ... Nah, I'm kidding ! After the small update of my model, I took the opportunity to redo the poster of Monster and also reworked the pose. There is another special pose "end of year party" which was to be finished for Christmas 2019, but which could not be finished, so I will would take this opportunity to finish it soon and post it in the coming weeks, I think. the old version can be found here: im9365213

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so....yeah i found it from youtube recommendation. sadly this weapon only shoot .22LR. Note:Here the proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtxpzKWu-No

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well.....i accidentally found it on google search and yes it's look interesting,right?

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This is a model I made of Serena from Pokemon X/Y and it can be downloaded here: https://bowlroll.net/file/238116 Part credits can be found here https://www.deviantart.com/m1m1kyu/art/MMD-Model-LAT-Serena-Download-774099559

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Isn't she pretty? :3 I updated it and she is slightly better worked for the video. I added a necklace and a bracelet to him and I added his ID card I also found her a first name, her name is "Ume Kimura" small detail without importance, certe ^^' it's an OC created by myself, its first version can be found here: fav.me/ddilafa Ume plays the role of an intern at the Family Mart store, her role is rapid in history because she is just an extras. Ume will be voiced by Veronica Barrera -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Adult Rin: marsissey - Request #34: marsissey - Cart with cartons: DigitalExplorations - Stage: sm15356008

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I do not care if my work will please others or not, I do this primarily for my personal pleasure. then, I have to say that I did not really like the film to tell the truth, I found too many different things, really I was a little disappointed in the end, but hey it's life eh! ^^ then why RagnaThor? yes, I know the name have a little stupid lol at the beginning, to tell the truth, I thought the film was called like that before knowing that it's called otherwise ... as a result of this, I had fun to want to reproduce the pose of Amel, I wanted to make another image with the character Thor but, unfortunately, it is not available for MMD, it's a shame, the I'll leave it like that, it does not matter. as usual I'm entitled to a disgusting result, but do not care! ▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ Credits, Akira - Cogeta Cats Hammer - Hylian-Ale Pose - Cogeta Cats Stage - im6354397

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