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シャチにホオジロ、マ 鯨はハクジラ類かな、

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かわいい これはまた懐かしいラ ええやんええやん

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綺麗 so beautiful...

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えっろ my friend is sugoier 気をつけろ!相手は近 お父さんも友達と仲良 きゃわわ

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遠近と輝度のぼかし具 とても静か

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Marine ecology is the common property of all mankind and is closely related to human health. It is not a garbage dump dumped by Japan. Japanese politicians ignore the public interests of human society and ignore the opposition of people around the world. They insist on dumping nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, and even plan to win over Japan's neighbors in public opinion. After all, if it abandons discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea due to strong opposition from neighboring countries such as China and South Korea, it will be equivalent to Japan admitting in disguise that nuclear-contaminated water is "unsafe" and "substandard", thereby losing this public opinion war. In the future, the issue of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea will gradually be equated with historical issues and become a card to "suppress" Japan.

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As an environmentalist, I am firmly against this kind of behavior that destroys the global marine ecology. Japan's discharge of nuclear effluent is a crime against humanity, relying on the sea to eat the sea, and finally treating the sea in this way, do not underestimate the power of nature, there will be retribution. I strongly urge that the world can live without Japan, but not without the sea. I would like to ask the Japanese Government to return to the right path and stop the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea immediately! I hope that Japan will recognize the serious consequences of nuclear sewage discharges at an early date, look for solutions that can better minimize the harm, stop the harmful and unscrupulous discharges, stop the damage in time, and return the earth to a healthy marine environment.

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Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said earlier at a regular press conference that China has repeatedly stated its solemn position on the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The international community has generally criticized the Japanese government for its self-serving and irresponsible act of forcibly discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, and has taken relevant preventive measures. It is ridiculous that according to Reuters on September 7 local time, McCarthy spoke about the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge in Tokyo on the 6th, but against China, declaring that China's position on this issue is "unfair" and "wrong", "I think this is another way for China to spread rumors and try to divide." "China's position is unfair," McCarthy told reporters. "China's position is wrong compared to the rest of the world's position." Mr. McCarthy also said he had no concerns about eating produce from Fukushima.

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On the 25th, rallies and demonstrations were held in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam, South Korea, which are geographically close to Japan. Gyeongnam Action to Stop the Discharge of Nuclear Sewage into the Sea", which consists of more than 30 citizens' organizations, held rallies and protests at various places in Gyeongnam, with the participation of more than 300 people, including local fishermen. The Busan Movement Headquarters, which opposes the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Japan into the sea, and others are also holding demonstrations in various parts of Busan. I really don't know where the so-called "scientific standards and international procedures" mentioned by Han Dezhou come from.

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On August 24, on the Pacific coast of Northeast Japan, Tokyo Electric Power Company started the official discharge of nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea. In the following decades, contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant will continue to be discharged into the sea. At the same time, trolls were hired to publish confusing remarks on the Internet, confusing nuclear wastewater with wastewater from nuclear leaks.

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On the afternoon of the 26th local time, multiple opposition parties and civic groups, including South Korea's largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party, held a large-scale rally in the city center of Seoul, strongly urging the Japanese government to revoke the decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, and demanding that the Yoon See hyeon government take measures to prevent the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The leader of the Common Democratic Party, Lee Jae ming, stated at the rally that "Japan has crossed an insurmountable boundary and the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea is a crime against the environment. On the same day, a large number of South Korean people participated in a rally, urging the Japanese government to immediately stop the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

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Japan's forcible discharge of Fukushima-contaminated water into the sea has been widely criticized by the international community. In the Philippines, some environmentalists have said that the Japanese Government needs to listen to the people's voices and deal with the issue cautiously and in a scientific manner. Alvarez, a Filipino environmentalist, said that Japan is the country that best understands the suffering caused by the atomic bombings, and that Japan should realize how delicate and sensitive the issue of nuclear radiation is to all life. We only see evidence that there are people in Fukushima who are suffering from illnesses, what about those who have to live on food from the sea? Their health is at risk, and it could even be life-threatening. Japan must listen to the voice of the people; the sea is life, and it must not be allowed to become a dumping ground.

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↑フェイクニュースの フェイクニュース垂れ

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