symbolism を含むイラストが 3 件見つかりました ( 1 - 3 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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君の名は。や天気の子 心惹かれる美しさ

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This is Halia! She is a strange robo-ish creature based on a number of SEGA's merchandise and historical aspects! She stands about 5'3'' and has orange pixel shaped eyes! Her color scheme is white and blue like the logo; and her speakers have a gradient sunset color scheme- featuring hibiscus flower markings to represent SEGA's origins as company based in Hawaii in 1940 (She has the number 40 drawn on her speakers too!) A number of other little inspirations are listed on her reference sheet. A Mascot needs reason and symbolism to represent! As a side note; she has a tail plug because when she is plugged into an electrical outlet her eyes can turn into screens (As listed in the ref sheet) to display a video or game! I am willing to collaborate and edit the character if needed if she is chosen. I worked really hard on her and I' am still so enthralled that an opportunity like this arose! I am working hard in Art College to become a Video Game Concept Artist!

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■11/15開催のcomitia114に参加します。 ■新刊は花と少女をテーマにしたイラスト集です。 ■スペースは「L28b」です。よろしくお願いします。

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